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Intercom, I048 Glue Machine


35.000 LBS

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Intercom, I048 Glue Machine

Buckleguy is the USA distributor for Intercom Srl, the leading manufacturer of water based leather adhesives and spray machines. Please see all features and benefits below, but to point out the key benefit of Intercom aside from being a non-toxic and eco-friendly glue, is efficiency. Here at Buckleguy we use 3 of these spray machines and they have single handedly been the biggest efficiency gain by dollar spent. When we moved from hand applying glue to spraying, the efficiency results were a clear no brainer and the machines paid for themselves the first month. So now we offer them to you. These machines are found in both 1-person shops and 10,000 person production facilities.

Machine: I048


  • Can be used without a vacuum bench. Or it can be used with an existing vacuum bench system.
  • Compressed air system to force glue through the lines.
  • Easily transportable from closet to table top.
  • Equipped with spray gun that can achieve glue spraying widths from 3mm to 50mm.
  • Adjustments of spray system include: amount of adhesive, width of spray jet, distribution thickness.
  • Stainless steel glue tank with 10 liter bag capacity. Glue in bag is a huge benefit compared to pouring glue into a tank. Glue in bag allows you to 1) use a bigger percentage of glue, 2) keeps dirt and other particles out of the system, 3) no contact with air which can alter the glues properties, 4) no mess or clean up, just replace the bag when empty.
  • A jet of air is released immediately before and after spraying to keep the tip clean.


  • Gun: Glue spraying width from 0.1" to 2" inches (3mm to 50mm)
  • Compressor: All you need is a basic hardware store base level compressor. 
  • Weight: 35 lbs

Sold separately:


  • Use stiff metal or plastic grates with a filter on top so that you can move completed glue jobs on and off the table to increase productivity rather than pulling off each individual glued part from the table.
  • Glue can remain in the machine tubes for up to 6 months. Though we recommend running warm water through it if you don't expect to use the system again for up to 3 months. If it is less than that you will have no issues coming right back to work.

Water based (Intercom) vs solvent based (Barge) glues?

Health Benefits:
  • Water based have no toxic chemicals (VOC's)
  • Eco-friendly
  • Odorless
  • Safe to work with indoors
  • No fire or explosion risk
  • Less waste and faster production process
  • Less harmful to environment
  • As water based is fully REACH compliant, many countries are beginning to require water based adhesives in manufacturing environments due to harmful off gasses (VOC's).
  • When working with solvent based glues and cements (Barge) you should use a ventilation system and wear ventilated masks, particularly when you are in small spaces.

Production Benefits:

  • (Barge) Solvent glue is ~85% volatile VOC, and only 15% resin (the glue). So 85% evaporates.
  • (Intercom) Water based is 50% glue content, and 50% water.
  • (Intercom) 3x more concentrated, so you need a lot less. You need to apply a lot of Barge because it is mostly VOC.
  • Even though the price of (Intercom) water based is higher, (Barge) Solvent glue is actually more expensive by volume as it is less concentrated and therefore you need more glue during application. And when using a spraying system you can save up to 5x the amount of glue, as spraying is more efficient than hand application.
  • (Intercom) Water based can be reheated if dried. See glue descriptions for more info.
  • (Intercom) Water based glue does not effect leather grain color.
  • (Intercom) Water based keeps the leather flexible and soft, unlike solvent glues that will stiffen leather.
  • (Intercom) Water based glue systems require significantly less maintenance.
  • The strength of water based glue can be permanent or non-permanent and can reach equal strengths to solvent based glues. 


The Company: Intercom Srl, Florence, Italy (est. 1991)

Intercom was the first to market with water-based adhesives. Intercom is also the only water-based adhesive company that makes both the glue and the machine. This is a massive benefit in that their machines are made to use their glues. There are a lot less issues with clogging, spraying, applying, etc. because all testing is done internally - they own the whole process. If you ever run into an Intercom issue, you call us.

Made in Italy